Your Choices Will Determine Your Future. How Will It Turn Out?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Your Choices Will Determine Your Future. How Will It Turn Out?
Image: Noel Hendrickson / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

It is, unfortunately, true that life can be something of a lottery. Your ZIP code is one heck a strong determinant of whether you will graduate high school, go to college, stay out of jail, get and stay married, and live a long and healthy life. Plenty of other factors like this shape the way things go for you, and even good choices can't fix them. Most of us can agree that those of us born in a less fortunate situation probably shouldn't have to do absolutely everything right to make it from a particular beginning. Meanwhile, it's undoubtedly not fair that those of us born in a more fortunate situation get to make more mistakes without losing everything.

The game is unfair, but this doesn't mean things have to go horribly for those who find the deck stacked against them. Humans have free will, and while we don't all get to choose from the same menu of choices in life, it's very rare that we end up with just a single option. We can all make good - and bad - choices that make our situation better or worse. Indeed, even the very fortunate can squander their headstart if they really do mess up consistently. That's why it is wise to accept the things we cannot change, make good choices, and try to come out ahead as best we can - and maybe that way we can help put a fewer easier and better decisions in front of our children than we enjoyed for ourselves.

Let's see if your choices both large and small are directing you down the best possible path for you!

What time do you usually get up on your day off?
8 a.m. or earlier
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
I sleep til noon!


How often do you have breakfast?
Daily, of course!
Most days I have quite a bite.
Most days, but sometimes I have to buy something on the way to work.
I don't usually.


Do you eat five fruit and veg a day?
I have more than that!
Usually yes
Some days


Do you fold your clothes before you put them away?
Of course!
If they need it
If I have the energy
I do not put my clothes away.


Do you say "yes" to an invitation in three months even though you'd be dreading it if it were tomorrow?
No, that's dumb.
Yes, I'm sure it'll be fine.
Yes, they'll forget by then.
Yes, I can always cancel.


How often do you lose your temper in public?
In small ways, often
When I'm really tired, all bets are off.


How long have you stayed in a relationship past its sell-by date?
A few weeks
A few months
A year
I've never had a relationship.


Without checking: are you wearing matching socks right now?
Of course!
I think so.
Maybe not
I'm not wearing socks.


Do you floss?
Yes, nightly
Yes, when I need to.
I don't believe in it.
I know I should, but I don't.


If it's safe to do so, do you speak up when someone gets handsy?
Yes, especially when I'm not the target.
I am usually too scared.
No, I just let them get away with it.


Do you do your homework first, then play?
Always have, always will
Sometimes, but I procrastinate during the homework.
Not as much as I would like.
No, I'm a morning bus homework type.


How many books do you read in a typical month, roughly?
More than four
Two to four
I don't read a lot of books.


What do you consider a good reason to cancel plans?
You're ill or someone you take care of is ill.
You have to work late.
You forgot your favorite show was on.
You forgot the plans.


How often do you eat something and then regret it?
Almost never
Five times a week


How often do you work out?
Three or four times a week
Two or three times a week
Once a week, but I do walk a lot.
I only get what exercise is built into my day.


Do you put up with noncommittal answers or simply no answers from people you're dating?
I have never put up with that.
I put up with it when I was young.
I am learning how to put up with it less.
I not only put up with it, but I also do it myself.


Do you have a plan for where you want to be in five years?
Yes, and it's going great.
I have a few ideas.
I think so ... ish.
Man, if I'm alive and not in jail, then I'm ahead of where I expect.


Do you know what your familial health risks are?
Yes, I talked to two generations.
I have an idea.
I don't have that sort of relationship with my family, sadly.
I never asked, even though I could.


Do you put ketchup on everything?
Ew, no
Only fries
Most things, yeah
I love it on steak!


Do you separate your recyclables?
Of course, and I compost.
I have two bins for that, yes.
I try to.
Recycling is a lie!


Do you check the pockets before you put items into the washer?
I check before things go into the hamper, too!
I try to remember.
No - I destroy a lot of things.


If you lose at Scrabble, are you gracious about it?
Of course
As long as it was a good game!
I try to be.
I never was, to the point that people no longer play with me.


If you make a deal with yourself like, "I can have candy if I write my report," do you honor it?
I don't need deals like that.
No, I just eat the candy anyway.


Do you ever practice prayer, mindfulness or meditation?
Once in a while
I have done.


Do you hang out with friends who have lots of toxic habits?
I have gotten rid of those friends by now.
Only if we are old friends
Yes, it is nice to have a friend with whom to be naughty.
If I didn't, I would have no friends.


If someone doesn't like your dog, do you stay friends?
Why would I have a friend who didn't love all dogs?
I would be seriously put out, but probably yes.
Yes, we just do indoor things.
LOL, like I could keep a dog alive.


How far in advance did you plan having children (or as the case may be, not having them)?
Years and years!
Once I was married/stable enough, I let God and nature decide.
I knew I wanted them, but I didn't plan exactly.
I don't think that's something you can plan.


What's your ceiling for an impulse purchase?
$20, which I raised from $10 because I make more money now!
I don't have rules about such things.


Do you regularly look into consolidating or refinancing debts to reduce payments or shorten the repayment period?
Yes, twice a year
I did once and it was actually really smart.
No, but I should.
I can't bear to do that, it's too intimidating.


Do you make a real effort to stay in touch with good people?
Yes, you have to put in the work.
I try to!
Sometimes, but life gets in the way.
Not really


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