Which Hogwarts Wizard Would You Really Date? Including The “Bad Boys”!

By: Carina L.
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Which Hogwarts Wizard Would You Really Date? Including The “Bad Boys”!
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures

About This Quiz

Time and time again we’ve asked ourselves which of the wonderful wizards from Harry Potter we would have dated had we been lucky enough to live in their world. But have we ever stopped to ask whether perhaps it wasn’t only the “wonderful” wizards, but also the “bad” ones and even the Muggle ones that we might have been destined to be with!
Death Eaters are …
Seriously misunderstood...but also not very nice.
Not going to win. Not on my watch.
A bunch of dung beetles.
Our friends.


What made Voldemort turn evil?
How much time do you have? This will take awhile.
Doesn't matter, Harry Potter will save the day!
What you call evil, I call perfection.
Bad manners.
Not enough hugs.


The Room of Requirement has come to your aid! You're in extreme need of ____?
A place to nap.
A place to practice my defensive spells!
A place to hide!
The toilet!
A place to conceal my forbidden magical objects. You won't confiscate these!


What would you be?
Muggle Born
We're all friends here. What does it matter?
Honestly, I'd rather not be a human.


Which magical item has you the most curious?
Moody's Magical Eye


Which 'misunderstood' magical creature would you be, if you had the chance?
A dementor. A daily dose of soul sucking cheers me right up!
Count me among the Giants!
Basilisk for the win! I'm so scary all my friends are dead, petrified, or blind.
Goblins are obviously where the moneys at.
As long as you look good, who cares! Are there Veela men?


Which Hogwarts ghost would you want to befriend?
Helena Ravenclaw
Moaning Myrtle
Bloody Baron
Nearly Headless Nick


What would you use omnioculars for?
Maybe I can record a Professor using that secret passage. Then I could figure how they did it!
Wouldn't you like to know.
Quidditch games of course! Go Ireland!
A music concert!
It would be useful to playback my flying techniques.


If we say The Burrow, you say?
Sounds like a dump.
I'd like to burrow myself in some cake right about now.
Sounds evil. I like evil stuff.
Sounds like home!
Does it have a bathroom? I need to check my hair.


You've been wrongly put in Azkaban, but you have the choice to get out if you make a deal and "reveal other" Death Eaters. Who do you pick?
Vincent Crabbe
I'd never lie and put an innocent person in jail!
I was not wrongly put here. I definitely did it. But I'll lie to get out.
Perhaps...Draco Malfoy
Do you have a pen? I have a long list.


Your best friend asks you to illegally become an animagus with them, what do you do?
Count me in!
I don't know...I'd like to do it legally though!
I'm not doing anything with anybody. If I do it, I won't tell anyone.
An eagle would be cool.
I'm already a werewolf.


Which Marauder do you like the most?
I don't care for any of them.
I rather just have the map.


What kind of animal would your Patronus be?
Something small, cute and extremely cuddly.
I like strong, noble animals.
Slime, warts, and scales are the way for me!
So long as I'm thinking happy thoughts, I could care less what appears.
I'm not entirely sure I have enough happy thoughts to even conjur one.


Which Deathly Hallow would you love to possess?
Resurrection Stone
Elder Wand
Cloak of Invisibility
I don't want any.
All of them.


Drinking a cup of tea, you look down and notice your leaves for the day predict:
Death by walking off a cliff.
High possibility of losing a limb.
Beware falling objects and exploding cauldrons.
The one you love does not love you back.
That divination is a load of rubbish.


It's the sorting ceremony at Hogwarts, what are you doing?
Who cares, this is fun!
Really hoping I don't end up in the same house as my bully.
Focusing really hard on not making a fool of myself. Don't trip, don't trip!
Hoping I don't end up in the same house as my older brother.
Thinking this ceremony is a waste of time. I already know which house I'll be in.


An angry troll chases you down. What do you do?
Try talking to it. Find out what made it mad.
Make sure everyone is safe before defending myself against it! You won't hurt anyone while I'm here!
Try to fight it. Fail miserably.
Whack them over the head with their own club.
Run. Run very, very far away.


What would your boggart turn into?
Lord Voldemort
A spider with snake heads. Think about it. Terrifying.
A headless walking body!
I fear nothing.


Which magical creature do you not want to find when you’re all alone?


The school bully just put a body-bind curse on you! What do you do next?
Hop around till I get to my friend who will un-bind me.
I'm the bully.
Report them! They won't get away with this!
Who would do that to me? Everyone loves me.


You've been caught sneaking out of school, which Hogwarts professor do you hope it is?
Professor Sprout would be nice. Might get off without detention.
Professor Dumbledore is actually helping me out of the building. So is it technically sneaking out?
Professor Pomfrey! I think I broke my ankle! I wasn't trying to sneak out, I've been out here for hours!
Please be Hagrid.
Professor Snape of course. He's head of Slytherin House.


What would you do if you saw a Dementor?
I suppose I'd be very sad.
I might try walking away from it. See if that helps my mood.
Try to blow it up.
Expecto Patronum!
Finally, some company I can enjoy.


Frog Choir is about to start! What are you doing?
Reporting everything I see. Hopefully something goes wrong! Good story later on.
Taking a million pictures! Wow!
Hoping my ears fall off. This is awful.
I'm in the choir!
About to set some dungbombs off.


Who would you wish for a bludger to knock them off their broom?
Harry Potter!
Draco Malfoy
Colin Creevey
Fred or George Weasley
My ex-boyfriend.


Going into the restroom you realize there isn't any toilet paper. What do you do?
No problem. Accio toilet paper.
I wonder if I can transfigure my textbook into toilet paper...
Where's that Room of Requirement when you need it.
Tell my house elf to get me some more toilet paper.


Mandrakes are...
Cute, in an ugly sort of way.
To be taken seriously. Death awaits those who are unprepared.


Who would you pick to put bulbadox powder in their pajamas?
Seamus Finnigan
Neville Longbottom
That's not very sanitary.
I'd tell someone to do it for me. Rather not get my hands dirty.


If given the chance, would you replace your eye for a Magical Eye?
None of that funny stuff for me.
I don't know...
Perhaps I could keep my eye and still use the magical eye? Seems very useful.
No thank you. It wouldn't compliment my features.


Hagrid asks you to watch over Fluffy for a weekend, what do you do?
Why not! What does Fluffy eat?
I am not going to enjoy this. But of course I'll say yes!
Very funny. Fluffy would somehow manage to eat me alive. And somehow, it would still be my fault.
That three-headed thing needs to be locked up! Hagrid's crazy!
I'm the last person Hagrid would ever ask.


Which person would you rather hex?
Dolores Umbridge
Draco Malfoy
Hermione Granger
Lord Voldemort
Fenrir Greyback


If given the chance, would you want to be born a metamorphmagus?
Seems cool. Why not?
Yeah! So many hair colors!
It'd come in very handy with my career.
Hmm...it doesn't sound very classy.


Which is more important?


Final Rounds: If you had a choice, who would you pick to be your best friend?
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Oliver Wood
Viktor Krum
Cedric Diggory


If you had to choose, who would you pick to be your boyfriend?
Lee Jordan
Colin Creevey
Blaise Zabini
Bill Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Vincent Crabbe
Gregory Goyle
Dudley Dursley
Percy Weasley
Cormac McLaggen


If you had to choose, who would you pick as never being in the story?
Bill Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Lee Jordan
Oliver Wood
Colin Creevey


If you had to choose, who would you pick to kill off?
Gregory Goyle
Cormac McLaggen
Percy Weasley
Vincent Crabbe
Dudley Dursley


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