Which Constellation Are You?

By: Artimis Charvet
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Constellation Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The night sky is filled with mystery, wonder, and magic. For years we've written stories within the stars. Which constellation writes the story of your soul? Take our quiz to find out!
Do you think you're hot?
Hell Yeah!
I'm pretty good looking.
I'm more confident in my personality.
Appearances shouldn't matter.


Which of these quotes from "Pride and Prejudice" are you most likely to say?
"A person may be proud without being vain."
"The more i see of the world, the more i am dissatisfied with it."
"Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion."
"Neither duty, nor honor, nor gratitude...have any possible claim on me."


What was your childhood like?
Great! My parents gave me everything.
Awful, I felt like I was a slave.
I had everything I ever needed.
It was pretty average childhood, full of ups and downs.


How old are you?
I'm older than my years.
I'm sixteen going on seventeen.
I'm old enough to know better.
I'm young at heart.


Do you lose your temper much?
All the time, people are so dumb sometimes!
Only when a situation warrants it.
I usually control it pretty well.
I am just chill, nothing rattles me.


How often do you party?
As much as possible.
Once a week.
About once a month.
Just on special occasions.


What would you do if you caught a friend cheating at poker?
Never speak to them again.
Never play with them again.
Forgive them but not forget.
It's no big deal if it's only for fun.


How important is winning?
I'm not big into competition, so I don't really care.
Participating and having fun is its own reward.
Winning is everything.
I love winning, even if sometimes it's not worth the effort.


Do you have a five year plan?
No. Life is too complicated right now.
Indeed. My life is going to unfold like a sheet of paper.
I'm still working on my five minute plan.
Yes. But I expect it will change as situations arise.


How do you feel about the statement: "Helping the poor makes them lazy."?
I agree.
I don't care either way.
I disagree.
I don't really know.


Do you trust others with your heart or your head?
Balance is needed between the two.
I trust a different part of my anatomy.


When did you last talk to a friend?
Literally 30 seconds ago.
Earlier in the week.
Sometime today.
I don't remember.


What's the most important thing to you?
Having a lot of money.
Being famous.
Finding my one true love.
Knowing and understanding how things work.


How do you respond when insulted?
Fire back a response immediately.
Stand up for myself calmly but firmly.
Back down and then plot revenge.
Shrug or laugh it off.


Who do you turn to when you have a problem?
I don't consult anyone, I could figure things out myself.
I don't consult my family.
I don't consult my friends.
I don't consult the Internet or reading material.


You're at work with a big project due at the end of the day. What do you do for lunch?
Eat while at my desk, I am the master of multitasking.
Skip it, work comes first.
I go out for food and take some time to relax, I don't work well under pressure.
Skip lunch but take a few minutes to de-stress.


How do you like to dance?
I enjoy dancing to something slow, maybe a waltz.
I enjoy dancing to something upbeat but classy.
Bump and grind is the only way to go.
I like my dancing to be free-flowing.


What's your favorite type of show to watch on T.V. ?
Cooking and gardening.
Reality T.V.
News and Documentaries.


Your significant other reveals they have cheated on you. They apologize and promise not to do it again. What do you do?
Take a break and think things over.
Kick their butt to the curb and then maybe seek out some revenge.
Remain calm and work through it.
Listen to my gut and go from there.


Every finger we use has significance and meaning, which one do you find yourself using the most?
My index fingers.
My ring fingers.
My little fingers.
My thumbs.


What's the first thing you do when you arrive at the office in the morning?
I do a walk around the office to say hello to everyone.
I boot up my computer and go get coffee, hopefully without having to talk to anyone.
I tell my coworker all about this amazing idea I had the night before about improving work processes.
I like to talk about what happened in my favorite t.v. show the night before and how it *should* have gone.


What do you do when you're extremely stressed out?
I meditate in a field, and possibly buy another Porsche.
I play violent video games.
I talk a lot about what's stressing me out to my friends.
I eat an entire package of Twizzlers.


Which fictional character would you be most likely to dress up as for Halloween?
Fluttershy from "My Little Pony."
Chandler from "Friends."
Homer Simpson from "The Simpsons."
Freddy Krueger from "A Nightmare on Elm Street."


How important is punctuality to you?
SO IMPORTANT. Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.
I think it's just polite to be on time.
I hate to admit it, but I usually run late.
I prefer to be on time, but I won't kill myself if I'm running late.


What are you most likely to collect?
Fancy expensive wine.
Crystal figurines.


Of the following, what are you most afraid of?
I have pteromerhanophobia, the fear of flying.
I have coulrophobia, the fear of clowns.
I have necrophobia, the fear of death or dead stuff.
I have ophidiophobia, the fear of snakes.


When someone is being overly dramatic about a situation, what do you do?
Tend to stay out of it.
Get angry and annoyed.
Try to figure out the meaning behind it.
Give advice, and hopefully lead them to a better path of understanding.


Which social network platform are you more likely to use on a daily basis?


Which is it better to do?
Live a quiet and comfortable life, and be forgotten by history.
Pursue your dream, even if it means a short, painful, and brutal life.
A little bit of both.
Something else.


What is love?
Love is chemical reaction in the brain.
Love is a spiritual event.
Love is for wimps.
Love is the most important thing in the universe.


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