Which Cinderella character are you?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Cinderella character are you?
Image: YouTube, The Movie DB

About This Quiz

The story of Cinderella is one of the most famous ever. Few tales have captured our imagination better then this all time classic. So which character are you?
What do you look for in a mate?
I look for someone who treats me right.
Someone with money and status.
Someone who is honest and kind.
Someone hot.


Do people think you are attractive?
Maybe, I don't think about things like that often.
Who cares? Looks are secondary, money and status.
Of course!
No, but my parents think I am.


How hard do you work in an average day?
Oh, I work like a slave all day long.
Hardly at all.
I never work.
I do work a bit, but try to get others to do most of it.


Ever talk to small animals?
Yes, doesn't everyone?
No, and that is totally creepy.
No, but that sounds charming.
I try, but they don't talk back.


Do you like pumpkins?
Hate them.
Oh I rather like them yes.
No, pumpkins are awkward.
Pumpkins are the best thing ever.


Favorite footwear?
Combat boots
Dress shoes


What do you when your boss asks you to do something you hate?
I just do it, no big deal.
I would hate it, and dream of becoming the boss myself.
I don't have a boss.
I would try and get someone else to do it.


What is the best way to wash a floor?
On your hands and knees with a bucket of course!
Hire someone to do it.
I don't know, let me ask the maid.
A mop I think?


What is your worst job ever?
I was a maid
Supervisor at the mall.
Fast food line cook.


Favorite Game of Thrones Character?
Arya Stark
Cersei Lannister
John Snow
Viserys Targaryn


Your friends are picking on someone, what do you do?
Ask them to stop
Encourage them to keep picking on the person.
Make them stop.
Join in and pick on them too.


How often do you date?
Not often at all, I am too busy at work.
Not much, I have other more important aspirations.
All the time.
I want to date, but it is hard to meet someone.


What really gets your adrenaline flowing.
Hard work and being myself.
Winning. At anything.
Doing the right thing and being awesome.
Conflict, a good argument gets me going every time.


Pick a movie.
Pretty Woman
Wall Street
The Princess Bride
Dog Fight


Do you believe in fate?
Of Course?
No, only losers think is real
I didn't used to, but I do now.
I don't know, but I know I deserve more from life.


Do you like mice?
They are awesome!
umm, gross?
They aren't so bad.
No and I hate people that do.


Pick a hair metal band.
Twisted Sister


Do you believe in Happily ever after?
Of course I do!
is this a joke?
I am always happy.
Yes, I need to get mine, and soon!


Where do you get your clothes?
My friends make them for me.
On line
I don't know, people just give them to me.
The mall.


Are people always trying to get you to get married?
No, in fact it is discouraged.
No, but that is because I am not interested.
Yes, my dad bugs me about it all the time.
Yes, and I want to, but no luck so far.


Do you have to do chores before you can have fun?
Yes, always.
No, I have people that do chores for me.
What are chores?
No, I have chores to do, but fun comes first.


How often do you see your family?
Not much, and it makes me sad.
Every day, but I like some better than others.
All time time!
All time time, I still live at home but am trying to move out.


Do you like fancy parties?
Yes, but they make me nervous.
Of course, you can meet important people at them.
They are kind of a bore, I go to a lot of them.
Yes, but they are never as fun as I had hoped.


This may sound silly but, do what do you think of fairy Godmother's?
They are the best!
Are you insane?
I can't say I mind them.
Hate them!


How important is money?
Kind of important, but not all that much.
It is the most important thing ever!
Well, I have a lot, and I like having it, so I guess it matters.
I want to meet someone with money so I don't have to deal with things anymore.


You are out partying at when it hits midnight. What do you do?
Oh my God, I have to go home!
I am not out that late too often, so I don't know.
Just keep on partying!
Try and find someone to go home with.


Are you a cat person?
Hate them.
Love them, as long as someone else takes care of them.
They are okay.
They are the best.


How important are shoes that fit?
Very, comfort is more important than fashion.
Not important at all. Who cares?
The most important thing ever.
Not important, I can wear pretty much any shoe.


Do you believe in love at first sight?
I think so.
Are you kidding me?
Of course!
If there is love at first sight, it hasn't happened to me.


You are in a movie. Who are you?
The underdog.
The Villain.
The hero.
An extra.


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