What's Your Pharaoh Name?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What's Your Pharaoh Name?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The Egyptian empire was one of the most impressive in all of human history. It was a civilization that left behind pyramids, obelisks, temples, and statues that boggle the mind and are astounding even by modern construction standards. At the forefront of this society were the pharaohs, who were equal parts leader and living god/goddess.

The pharaoh's name said a lot about the kind of leader they were and the divine energy they saw themselves manifesting into reality. At the height of the empire, the leader of Egypt could arguably be said to be the most powerful person on the planet. The people feared and admired their leader, devoting all of their daily energies to their ruler's pleasure.

Are you a born leader who excels at being in a position of power? Is it clear that you are meant to go down in history as one of the greatest to ever sit on the throne? The time has come for you to ascend to the top of ancient Egyptian culture. The first task will be to uncover your real name.

The high priests and priestesses from every temple in the land have gathered together and created a list of questions that will determine your true name. Step through the curtain and into the innermost chamber. The time has come to become the divine presence you were always meant to be.

Which outfit would fit you the best on the throne?
Nothing too flashy.
Something that balances my femininity with raw power.
Shirtless and lots of gold.
A beautiful, flowing gown.


Which hieroglyphic symbol most closely represents you?
The eye.
The ankh.
A man's head on a hawk's body.
A beetle.


Which description best matches your leadership style?
An intelligent and efficient leader who gets the job done without much need of praise.
The powerful and intimidating presence that strikes fear and admiration into the hearts of the people.
The underdog who has compassion for the lowest member of society.
A sharp wit and a willingness to make sacrifices for the people.


Is your energy more masculine or feminine?
I stay pretty balanced energetically, but I'm definitely a little more stereotypically masculine.
I embody a very strong masculine energy.
I would say that I'm totally feminine in my style.
I am in touch with both energies, but I lean slightly more feminine overall.


Which Egyptian god do you feel drawn to the most?


How would you describe your love life?
It's a passionate roller-coaster ride.
Stable and steady.
Active and exciting.
I would call it nonexistent.


What time of the year is your favorite?


What part of the day are you at your best?
At night.


Are you more of a lover or a fighter?
I can battle with the best of them, but I do enjoy being a lover more.
I'm both, but I do enjoy a good fight.
I do confrontation a lot better than I do love.
I'm a total lover.


How skilled are you at coming up with creative solutions?
That would not be a top skill of mine.
I tend to stumble on creative solutions, but I wouldn't say that I'm great at coming up with them.
I'm a master of thinking outside of the box.
I've been known to come up with some pretty creative solutions.


Which structure are you most likely to build during your reign?
A pyramid.
A statue.
A temple.
An obelisk.


Which constellation do you like the most?
The Big Dipper.


What would be your biggest strength as a pharaoh?
Life experience.
Strength of character.


What would be your biggest weakness?
I'm not telling you.
I suppose people could use my love of family against me as a leader.
Spreading myself too thin.


How important is it for you to become famous?
If I become famous for the good things I have done, so be it. Although, I'm not seeking it out.
It doesn't matter if it is important to me or not, my story will be told for millennia.
Honestly, I couldn't care any less about that.
I have to admit that I do want to be famous.


Would you consider yourself to be more of an underdog or a favorite?
I would definitely be the underdog.
I would be favored in pretty much every form of competition.
People tend to think of me as the favorite, but I definitely have my weaknesses.
Most people think of me as an underdog, but they underestimate my strength.


Which actor or actress that played a pharaoh is most like you?
Yul Brynner.
Monica Bellucci.
Elizabeth Taylor.
Joel Edgerton.


Would you be a merciful or a harsh ruler?
I would give the impression of being merciful, while actually being very harsh.
I would be a very kind and merciful ruler.
I would definitely have a tendency to deal harshly with issues.
I would be harsh when I needed to be, but I would gravitate towards mercy.


Which item would you most want to take with you into the afterlife?
An item that reminds me of a happy moment from my life.
A family heirloom.
As much gold as will fit in my tomb.
Something that reminds me of my lover.


Would most of your servants be male or female?
They would be all male.
Besides the guards, all my servants would be female.
It would be a total mix of the two.
I would hire people who were good at their jobs; their gender wouldn't matter at all.


How important would the advice from your priests and priestesses be to you?
I wouldn't really use them, but I'd keep up appearances, so the people felt better about it.
I wouldn't consult them at all.
I would totally rely on their counsel.
I'd definitely be interested to hear what they had to say.


Would you marry someone just to gain a political advantage?
I will marry whoever the gods send to me for that purpose.
I will marry multiple wives. I wouldn't care about political advantage.
That is the only point of marriage.
I would utilize marriage in this way if I had to, but I'd much rather marry for love.


How do you feel about Italian culture?
I'm not a fan.
It's appealing to me, especially the more rural settings.
I am totally drawn to it.
I could take it or leave it.


Are you someone who tends to be a pioneer or do you stick with conventional paths?
To the public, it looks like I'm following the norms, but behind closed doors it looks totally different.
I tend to stick to conventional paths.
I go in my own direction all the time.
I'm a total pioneer who has paved the way for other women to follow in my path.


Are you more book-smart or street-smart?
I'm very book-smart, but I tend to miss some social cues.
I'm somewhat educated, but I definitely know how to get things done out in the streets.
I'm both.
I'm definitely more street-smart.


Which description best matches your body type?


Do you enjoy traveling?
I generally like to stay close to home, but I do take a longer trip once in a while.
I do enjoy the occasional vacation.
I'm not a big fan of traveling. I prefer to stay home.
It is one of my favorite things to do in the world.


Would you consider yourself to be a rebel?
Not really.
I'm the powerful one, so it's hard to rebel against myself.
I have to admit that I have quite the rebellious streak.
I have my moments, but I'm not the rebel-without-a-cause type.


Are you aware of what phase the moon is currently in?
I have absolutely no idea.
I am completely sure.
I have a pretty good idea.
Honestly, it would just be an educated guess.


What will be your prime strategy to motivate your people?
Providing them with amazing celebrations.
Mercy and justice.
I will reward those who work hard in support of my plans.


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