What Time Period Are You Most Sexually Compatible With?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Time Period Are You Most Sexually Compatible With?
Image: RyanJLane / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

There's no doubt that some periods in human history have been more sexually open and adventurous than others. Different times and different places have seen cultural shifts in some pretty dramatic and incredible ways. The Victorian era, for instance, is often characterized as being remarkably conservative and uptight, at least as far as everyone's public face went. Conversely, we look at America in the 1960s as a time of sexual awakening for many people. The whole "free love" movement changed the world in a lot of ways, particularly the way people looked at sex and sexuality. But, of course, that was only one of many times and approaches to the world of sex. We have all of history to go through!

The reason there are so many shifts in the way humanity looks at sex is pretty simple when you think about it: There are just so many people with so many opinions. Some reserved, some flamboyant. Some bold, others timid. The number of people who feel a certain way will tip the balance, and the result can be a world in which you feel like you totally fit in, or one that you find wildly confusing. However you feel, there must definitely be a time and a place in history that you'd be more sexually compatible with than others. So let's find out when that was!

How sexually liberated do you feel you are?
Extremely liberated
I still like to keep some things private.
I'm open to some things.
I am down for whatever!


Are you at all interested in having some one-night stands?
Anything's possible.
Not particularly
I could handle that.


How many sexual partners have you had in your lifetime?
Not enough
A reasonable amount, I guess
Not too many
A lot


What period of time would you absolutely hate to find yourself stuck in?
The Victorian era
The Dark Ages
The '50s
The Edwardian era


Time travel is a pretty cool idea. Which is the best movie about it?
"Back to the Future"
"Donnie Darko"


Do you feel like the modern world is too conservative or too liberal right now?
Too conservative by far
It's on the right track
Maybe a touch too liberal sometimes
Depends on where you are


Do you have a lot to learn, sexually speaking, or could you be teaching lessons to others?
I'm not really sure.
I have much to learn.
I could probably teach a lesson or two.


Is it wrong to use an app like Tinder just to hook up with someone?
Of course not
Well, it may not be the saintliest thing you can do.
Maybe, if you make a habit of it
If you're not hurting anyone, how could it be wrong?


Do you feel guilty about any of your sexual encounters?
Not really
A little
One or two
Not in the least


How do you feel about monogamy?
It's overrated.
It's the normal way of things.
I don't have any thoughts on it.
It's good when you're ready for it.


Have you and one of your past partners ever made a dirty home movie?
Heck yeah!
I do like being creative! But no.
Not my style
No, but that's a good idea.


What country would you visit if you planned to have a sexy vacation?


Love letters or sexting?
Sext me!
Long, elaborate letters
Just tell me to my face.


Do you ever find yourself fantasizing about friends and coworkers?
All the time
Not often
One or two of them
Too often


Do you prefer burlesque or stripping?
Both sound fun.
I've never seen either.


How important is it to try new things and shake up your routine, sexually speaking?
Extremely important
There are more important things.
Not all that important
Fairly important


How satisfied are you with your sex life right now?
There's always room for improvement.
I'd like to shake it up a little.
Not very
It's going well.


Would you ever consider attending a swingers party?
I already have.
I'd be interested in knowing more.
I'm not sure that's for me.


Have you ever paid money for pornography?
Not in a long while
I'm not super into porn.


What are your thoughts on skinning dipping?
I'd live nude if I could.
Not where people could see
I'd feel too uncomfortable.
It's fun!


What do you think would be the hardest thing to adjust to if you traveled to a different time?
The local rules and customs
The language barrier
Just fitting in


If you're traveling to the future, when do you think you'd go?
100 years from now
1000 years from now
Next week
How far can I go?


Are you the kind of person who could make out with a total stranger at a club?
Yes, I am.
A stranger? No.
Do I know their name at least?
It's a distinct possibility.


Since you became sexually active, what's the longest stretch you've gone without actually having sex?
A day or two
Several weeks
I've gone months, at least.
Longer than I wanted to


Are you open to talking to your partners about your kinks?
If we've developed a lot of trust
Not at all
I'll talk to anyone about them.


What decade had the best music for getting busy?
The '60s
Modern music
The '70s
The '90s


Do you need to be in love with someone to have a sexual relationship?
Of course not
It couldn't hurt.
Probably not, but it's better
All you need is an attraction.


Are you sexually adventurous?
Not as much as I'd like to be
Not really
I'd say so.


Which historical figure would you watch in a dirty movie if such a thing existed?
Da Vinci


What's the least sexy time period you can think of?
The Depression
The '80s
The 1910s
The age of the dinosaurs


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