What Chess Piece are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Chess Piece are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Chess is a game that many of us love, in part because of the different traits that the chess pieces have. If you were a chess piece, which one would you be?
How good of a boss would you make?
I would be the best boss.
I would make a good boss, I think.
I am too much of a free spirit to be a boss.
I would be awful.


How athletic are you?
Not at all.
I am extremely athletic.
I am okay.
I don't like sports.


Are you a leader or a follower?
Leader all the way.
I am a leader, but I do have follower tendencies.
Neither, I do my own thing.
A follower.


Have you ever cheated on your partner?
Sure, I do what I want.
No, I am too loyal.
Yeah, once or twice.
No, I would be too afraid of getting caught.


What type of exercise do you prefer?


Could you be an action movie hero?
No way I am not in good enough shape.
Not a hero, but I could be in the movie.
No I can't imagine that.


Do people take advantage of you?
Some people do.
No, I do my own thing.
Yes, all the time.


How unpredictable are you?
Not very.
I can be unpredictable sometimes.
Not at all.


Who were you in high school?
Prom King or Queen.
Athlete/popular crowd.


How did you get along with your parents?
Fine, they always treated me great.
Good, they were proud of my accomplishments.
Okay, but they didn't understand me.
Bad, they never seemed to appreciate me.


How many loyal friends do you have?
I have lots.
A couple.
I have one close friend.
I don't have any.


Is it better to do something yourself or get someone to do it for you?
It is always better to get someone to do it for you.
I like to do things myself.
It depends on the situation.
I like to do things myself, but it doesn't always work out.


Do people accuse you of being manipulative?
Yes, all the time but i don't care.
No, I am not that way at all.
No, I am way too unconcerned with others to manipulate them.
No, I am usually the one that gets manipulated.


Who would you be at the White House?
The President.
The Vice-President.
The Intern.
The Staff Secretary.


What is your style in the bedroom?
I like to take control.
I like to be adventurous.
I like to be wild and crazy.
I like to be passive.


Who are you in your group of friends?
The leader.
The tough one.
The crazy one.
The quiet one.


How would you describe your personality?
Stoic and powerful.
Brave and loyal.


What would you do if you were drafted into the army?
Become an officer and order people around from the sidelines.
I would be the best soldier I could be for my country.
I would go but I wouldn't like it.
I would go, what else would I do?


Who does the cleaning at your house?
My partner.
Me and my partner.
I don't clean much.
I do.


Where would you want to go out to eat?
An urban steakhouse.
A good Thai place.
A bar that has decent food.
l let my partner decide.


What would you do if someone cheated on you?
Dump them.
Teach them a lesson they will never forget.
Nothing, I had already cheated on them first anyway.
Try and work it out.


Would you make a good spy?
No, I don't like sneaking around.
Yes I would be the best at it.
I think I would be good but I don't know.
I would be awful.


What would you do if your best friend asked you for help committing a crime?
Turn him in.
I would help him and have his back.
I would help for the thrill of it.
I would do it because if I didn't he might not like me anymore.


Ever do anything because of peer pressure?
No. I set the trends, I don't follow them.
Yes, because I wanted to be loyal to my group.
No, I do things my way.
Yes, all the time.


You have been taken captive, what do you do?
Bribe my way out.
Fight my way out.
Act crazy, maybe they will let me go.
Nothing, what can I do?


What is your favorite chess piece?
The king because he is so powerful.
The king because he is the leader.
The queen because she protects everyone.
The pawns because they are so relatable.


Which of the basketball players listed below is your favorite?
Lebron James.
Kevin Durant.
Russell Westbrook.
John Wall.


How good looking are you?
I am ridiculously good looking.
I look good and am in shape.
I don't care about things like that.
I hate how I look.


What kind of books do you like?
Memoirs and nonfiction.
Mysteries and thrillers.
Fiction and literature.


Who is the most important person in your world?
My partner or my family.
My best friend.
This question makes me uncomfortable.


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