The Ghost in the Shell ultimate fan quiz!

By: Olivia Cantor
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
The Ghost in the Shell ultimate fan quiz!
Image: tmdb

About This Quiz

The original "Ghost in the Shell" animated movie helped anime to be accepted globally. If you think you can hack it, try out this quiz to see how much information about the movie you have in your ghost!
Major Kusanagi is one of the best operatives of Section 9, and most in that department are what?
Most of Section 9's operatives are cyborgs - people with mechanical parts. They have built-in communications, weapons and even stealth.


If you watch the movie closely, the Major and some of the other cyborgs look weird because of what robotic detail - aside from all the obvious machine parts?
They don't blink.
If you look again, you will notice that the Major and some of the other cyborgs do not blink at all. They do not bother to look that human, really.
They have built-in weapons.
They all have mechanical voices.
They have great hair.


What is Section 9 supposed to do?
They handle internal affairs.
They fight terrorism.
In the movie, Section 9 is supposed to fight terrorism. Their duties extend online, against hackers who act as terrorists, too.
They take care of foreign affairs.
They specialize in intelligence.


The Major gets the jump on people in the field with what?
Her tracking skills.
Her stealth suit.
Major Kusanagi is a walking commercial for military-grade camouflage and stealth technology. She is like the Predator when her suit is on!
Her love for rooftops.
Her quiet nature.


What is one thing that many cyborgs have that allows them to interface better with machines and each other?
Bionic typing fingers
Built-in radio
Flashing eyes
Plugs at the back of their necks
Many of the cyborgs have these in-out jacks at the backs of their necks. This technology allows them to plug their brains directly into computers and, as "Ghost in the Shell" shows, it can be used to hack other cyborgs.


Major talks about the joys of drinking, which are different in what way when you are a cyborg?
The cyborg system makes the drunken hit worse.
You can file messages even if you are blasted drunk.
You can get sober quick.
Many cyborgs can get drunk - and then get sober fast, if needed. Their cyborg parts let them filter out alcohol fast. They are the perfect companion for late nights out!
Cyborgs do not have stomachs.


The shootout in the beginning happened because another country tried to do what?
Smuggle confidential military machines
Smuggle important papers
Sneak a talented programmer out of the country
Another country tried to sneak out a computer specialist who was working on a top-secret project. Section 9 moved to make sure that the specialist would not fall into terrorist hands. Or another country's hands, for that matter.
Sneak out kidnap victims


In the movie, brainwashing is described as what?
Hacking your ghost
When your brain has been rewired or tampered with, the Section 9 people refer to it as having your ghost hacked. For cyborgs, hacking is a nightmare, because it really can be done.


We refer to things that go bump in the night as ghosts. What are ghosts in "Ghost in the Shell"?
What makes you, you
The Major always talks about hearing the whispers in her ghost. She is talking about how her human side is still giving her intuition or instincts about certain things. Otherwise, she would be a real robot.
Errors in programming
Manipulated perceptions
Being accepted as human


Is Major Motoko Kusanagi really ranked as a Major?
Not anymore.
Although Section 9 does not have military ranks, Kusanagi and Batou seem to come from military backgrounds. She could have been a major, since you do not age if you have a full-cyborg body.
She probably ranks higher.
She probably ranks lower.


In the beginning of the movie, the Puppet Master is described as what?
A thief
A master hacker
The Puppet Master is a master hacker who hacks not only computers, but people as well. He gets his name from working through others he has programmed to act like him, or to do things that they did not know were dangerous.
A politician
A smuggler


The opening credits give us an idea that all that is left of the Major is what?
A head
Her head and spine
A brain
The Major is full-body cyborg. That means she is little more than a robot with a human brain in her head.
Her upper body


In one of the best scenes in the movie, The Major has a fistfight with a suspect where?
A lake
A floodway
Kusanagi catches up to a suspect while she is trying to cross a floodway. In the fight, we get an idea of just how scary it is to fight someone like her. It is like trying to fight a ghost.
A swimming pool
An aquarium


In a few scenes, we see what cute visual signature of Director Mamoru Oshii, because he supposedly owns one?
Basset hound
Mamoru Oshii always tries to include a basset hound in his movies, and in the case of "Ghost in the Shell," there are scenes where they appear. He has no symbolic meaning for them. He just likes basset hounds!
Compact car
Cheshire cat


Kenji Kawai is important to the "Ghost in the Shell" movie, due to what artistic touch?
He is the scriptwriter.
He is the special effects director.
He composed the soundtrack.
Kenji Kawai’s music and scoring for "Ghost in the Shell" is so good that you will remember the song with creepy singing Japanese women long after you see the film. Mamoru Oshii has worked with Kenji Kawai on many projects.
He is the key animator.


You cannot have cyberpunk or heavy sci-fi without some sort of big corporation involved. In "Ghost in the Shell," what corporation made most of the parts for Section 9’s agents?
Many Section 9 cyborgs are nervous when the Puppet Master takes over a Megatech factory because most of them have parts made by Megatech. The possible security issues would be unacceptable.


What surprise does the Puppet Master reveal when he is finally caught?
He is an artificial intelligence.
The Puppet Master reveals that he is not a human at all, but a hacking program that became an artificial intelligence. Watch out what you do with those computers!
He doesn't know his human name anymore.
He is actually innocent.
He is a group of hackers, not just one.


We know that the Major will do everything to win, and what is one crazy way of doing it?
She destroys most of her own body trying to find a way into a tank cockpit.
The Major knows that her body parts can be replaced. In the final battle, she tries to open the hatch of a combat tank and ends up breaking her arm - and body - into pieces.
She tries to keep on hiding until the enemy gets bored.
She tries to talk the enemy into surrendering.
She stares at them until they get scared.


Kusanagi loves to show off her, err, “assets." This is normal in anime, and there is a term for it. What is it called?
Fan service
If you have a sexy character, it sells to make them wear tight clothing, and yes, it "services" the fans. The Major does not look like she is wearing much.
Soft porn
Big tease


Togusa is the odd man out in the team. Aside from being a former police officer, Kusanagi finds what detail about him to be very important.
He has no military training.
He has almost no cyborg parts.
Togusa was hired because he was the closest thing to a normal person that could qualify for Section 9. Having almost no cyborg parts, he has a more human view on situations that Section 9 might encounter.
He hates using machine guns.
He loves working in a team.


What is Batou’s role in Section 9 operations?
He is the chief investigator
He is the partner for Kusanagi in the field.
Batou is Kusanagi's operator and support agent. He is also in charge of getting her out of trouble, if things end up going wrong. And, boy, is he needed.
He is the assassin.
He is the bodyguard for Aramaki.


During one long dramatic scene, what surprises Kusanagi while traveling around the city?
She realizes she is being followed.
She does not have a life outside of her job.
She sees another full-body cyborg with the same face as hers.
Kusanagi is surprised when she sees someone else with her face. She is still human enough to think of herself as unique, even if her body parts are not.
She is single.


Batou can’t believe that Kusanagi’s practices what hobby or sport while she is off-duty?
She drinks alcohol.
She wanders around alone.
She goes underwater diving.
As Batou says, cyborg bodies need special equipment to dive, and if that fails, they sink to the bottom like a rock. Kusanagi likes the experience of floating weightless in water.
She sleeps all day.


Togusa gets a lot of flak from the others about what part of his combat gear?
He has no cybernetic add-ons.
He wears a suit.
He uses a revolver.
As Kusanagi tells him while suiting up for an operation, a revolver has fewer bullets than a normal automatic gun. She orders him to use an automatic, not his revolver.
He has no face protection.


We know that Batou has cybernetic eyes, but what is one vision enhancement we see in the film?
While going after a suspect, Batou is shown shifting his vision into infrared in a crowd - because the suspect has a camouflage jacket that makes him invisible. He is a cold spot in a warm crowd.


What is Batou’s concern with Section 9’s cyborg maintenance crew?
How they are cleared for security.
Batou and Aramaki have a conversation where Batou has issues about the Section 9 staff. Aramaki responds by saying that checking on people has to stop somewhere.
How good their skills are.
If they have enough instruments.
If they have the right parts.


Aside from Togusa, who is the only almost-full human in Section 9?
Investigator Ishikawa
Chief Aramaki
Aside from Togusa, Chief Aramaki is almost totally human. He probably knows too much to be compromised by cybernetic implants, and at the same time, he is not a field commander.
Specialist Saito
Specialist Borma


Nakamura, who doesn't much like Aramaki, is from which government department?
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Director Nakamura of Section 6 (Foreign Affairs) may be in the same government as Chief Aramaki, but they do not see eye to eye. His job can make his goals something that Section 9 does not like.


What was the job of the Puppet Master's first agent?
Drug pusher
Garbage collector
The Puppet Master hacked into the brain of a garbage collector. That way, he could hack from different phones along the neighborhood route.
Black market seller
Money launderer


Director Mamoru Oshii has another favorite visual element. Normally, he uses birds, but this time, he chose what flying things?
Large jet planes
Oshii has a kind of trademark of using birds in his scenes. This time, he used large jet planes moving slowly across the sky when a character looked up.


Puppet Master suggests merging his mind with Kusanagi, for what reason?
It would make them married.
It would create a new life form.
The Puppet Master is looking for another mind to merge with that would expand its own. That way, the new life form’s new mind would be able to think of things that Puppet Master could not.
It would let Puppet Master die.
It would let Kusanagi appreciate what he was doing.


In the beginning of the movie, we see some guards with cool briefcases, containing what?
Small machine guns
In one of the cool moments of the film, when the two bodyguards knew police were coming, the briefcases dropped from the handles… showing kick-butt machine guns the size of large handguns. Sweet!
Radio transmitters
Portable hacking laptops


The foreign minister's assistant is ghost-hacked by the Puppet Master in what old-school way?
Replacing her with a robot with a copy of her mind.
Knocking her out and rewiring her brain.
Data or phone line.
The assistant is attacked through a phone or wired line, probably connected to a PC. Seeing as cyborgs plug into computers to work better, she wis hacked the moment she plugs in.
Courting her and making her fall in love with him.


How did Togusa find out there would be an attempt to take the Puppet Master's body out of the Section 9 lab?
He saw people talking.
He was paranoid about having the Puppet Master in the lab.
He checked the parking elevator computer.
Togusa felt weird that two boss-types traveled without guards. He checked the elevator computer and found out the readings were too heavy for two people. They must have had stealth agents with them.
It was what he would do.


How does Kusanagi look at the end of the film?
She is in a male body.
She is back in a full organic body.
She is in a backup lower-level body of hers.
She is in the body of a little girl.
Batou’s contacts could only provide a robot body that looks like a little girl. Kusanagi ends up being inside one.


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