How Zen Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Zen Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

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Some of us get a little more worked up in this world than others. People that are Zen try not to let things bother them that they can not change. How Zen are you?
Do you meditate every morning?
Uhh, no that is when I get ready for work.
No, I can't concentrate well enough.
I try, but I don't always.
Yes, just about.


When do you go to bed?
Around midnight.
One in the morning.
10 or 11.


You are splitting a pizza with your buddy, and you notice she is taking more pizza than you, what do you do?
I get bummed because it seems like she is doing it on purpose.
I get kind of mad, but I don't say anything.
It bugs me a little, but so what?
I don't care, I have no need for any more pizza.


How much do you care about money?
Quite a bit, I worry a lot about being broke.
I like having money so I can do what I want to do.
Not much, but sometimes I worry about old age.
Not at all.


You can't find 100 dollars and you know it is somewhere in your home, what are you thinking?
I am thinking how stupid I am for losing it.
I am thinking someone stole it.
I keep trying to forget about it, but I can't.
Nothing, it will turn up sometime.


Does it bother you to be alone for long periods of time?
Yeah, I hate it.
A little bit.
Not really.
Not at all.


Do you believe that you have a soulmate?
Yes, but I don't think I have met that person yet.
No, that is silly.
Yes, and I am with that person right now.
No, I could love all sorts of people.


Someone is angered because your driving, honks his horn at you and flips you off. What do you do?
Try to ignore him, but I get a little freaked out.
Honk at him and flip him off right back.
Try to ignore him, but it does make me a little mad.
Wish him peace and hope his day gets better.


Do you always live life by your own philosophy?
I don't think that is possible, but I try.
I don't have a philosophy.
I do my best.


Are you a pacifist?
Kind of, but I am glad we have a strong army.
Not at all.
Yes, but there are times when violence is appropriate.
Yes, always.


Is it pointless to sit around and meditate when there is a lot of suffering in the world?
Maybe? I am not sure.
Yes, action is what is needed.
I don't think so.
Of course it isn't.


Could you be happy while in prison?
No, I would be way too freaked out.
No, I would be too angry.
No, but I would try.
Of course I could.


What do you do when your alarm goes off?
Hit snooze.
Get up, but I am not happy about it.
Lay around for a moment then get up.
I don't use an alarm, I get up with the sun.


How much do you party?
About average I guess.
I party a ton.
Not very much.
Hardly at all.


What type of class are you most likely to take?
A financial class.
A class at my gym.
A dance class.
A yoga class.


Where would you like to go on vacation?
New York City.
The coast of Maine.


Do you think you understand Buddhism?
Not really.
Yes, but I don't agree with it.
I think I do.
Yes, I very much do.


Do you like Death Metal?
I don't know what that is I don't think.
Love it.
No and people who do are stupid.
I neither like it nor dislike it.


Your best friend has been ignoring you lately, how does that make you feel?
It totally freaks me out.
It makes me mad.
It worries me a little.
It doesn't make me feel any way, only I can make myself feel a certain way,


Do you like "The Big Lebowski?"
Is that a sandwich?
Not really.
It is pretty cool.
It is the best movie ever.


Would you ever break the law?
No, that would freak me out too much.
If there was a good reason, yeah I would.
No, that is bad karma.
Human law maybe, but never karmic law.


Do you believe in Karma?
No, but I fake it because it makes me too nervous not to.
No, that is bunk.
Sure, but I don't think it always comes true.
Yes, I do completely.


Do you get mad at people who have different political views than you do?
Yes, but I try not to show it.
Yeah, I totally do.
I do my best not to.
No, I never do.


You have a buddy that sits around playing "World of Warcraft" all day, is he wasting his life?
Yeah, I would worry about him.
Yes, I have no respect for that.
Probably, but that is up to him.
Not at all.


Someone just rear ended you in your brand new car. How do you feel?
Worried that my car is messed up and I won't be able to afford to fix it.
Really angry.
Worried about my health.


Your friends describe you as...


Your girlfriend just cheated on you with your best friend, what do you do?
Cry, obviously.
Go on the warpath.
Take some time to myself.
Wish them well.


How good are you at following orders?
I am really good.
I am fine, if they make sense.
I am okay.
I never take anything anyone says to me as an order.


What would your super power be?
To control minds.
Super human strength.
I don't need a super power.


Do you like dogs?
I like cats better.
Not at all.
I like them okay.
I adore dogs.


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