How Connected to the Universe Are You?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Connected to the Universe Are You?
Image: lucentius/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

All of space and time exists within the universe. Everything you know in life is within the universe. It's pretty crazy to think about. What's even crazier is that so much of the universe has never been touched or seen. It's so vast that astronomers and scientists don't even know how big it really is. The observable universe is about 93 billion light years in diameter. That's literally the only part of the universe we've seen, and it's that big. Can you imagine what else is out there that no one knows about? There could be a whole other solar system exactly like ours with people in it and we might never know.

Getting lost in the vastness that is the universe can send you down a (black) hole that is hard to come out of. What might help is figuring out what your connection to the universe is and how connected you are to it. Do your passions lie in the stars, or does your loyalty stand with Earth and preserving its beauty? The way you go about your daily life, the choices you make and the way you interact with people tell a story. A subtle story about your connection with the universe. We can tell you just how connected you are through this quiz. Take it now!

How does looking at the ocean make you feel?
I want to know what's at the bottom of the deepest part.
I could swim in it all day.


Looking up at the stars is fun, but what do you wish you would see?
The flames of the sun
Another life form
Another Earth
A space rainbow


What do you think is the number one culprit for global warming?
Fossil fuel
Plastic use
Food waste
Greenhouse gases


Do you do your part to save the Earth?
I do my best.
I just wish we could find another Earth and start over.
I do everything I can.
I can do more.


Can you pick the most peaceful thing about life?
A summer rainstorm
Seeing plants grow from nothing


When do you feel most like yourself?
Any time I experience something greater than myself
On a boat
When I'm cooking
Moving into a new place


Do you listen to your head or your heart?
My gut
The head always knows.
My heart for sure
A combination of all three


Which element best represents who you are?


Can you handle being up in high spaces?
I thrive at great heights.
I can handle it.
I get really nervous.
I prefer it.


Did you know that we are made up of stardust?
I love that.
No way!
I did, but my brain can't handle that.
If that's true, that's amazing.


Would you travel to space if that became a reality in your lifetime?
I can't wait for that to be a reality.
I'd travel there and never come back.
I think I'll stay down here.
If it were cost effective


Do you think you can make things happen by sending out positivity into the universe?
I absolutely do.
I sure do try.
No, but that's a nice thought.
Depends what the thing is


Is something more likely to happen if you say it out loud?
It does seem to be that way.
Not scientifically
I think it's just coincidence.
I really hope so.


If there's a rainbow, can you always spot it?
I'm always on the lookout.
I usually miss it.
Not always, no.


When a problem presents itself to you, is it always the same problem?
It's usually different.
I'm sure they're all related.
At its root it's the same.
I've never thought about it.


Are you able to feel something bad happening before it happens?
That hasn't happened to me.
Sometimes, but I usually ignore it.
Yes it's a strong feeling.
No but now I really want to.


Do you often find yourself having the same dreams over and over again?
Nope I don't dream that much.
Yes! And they're so vivid.
It's happened, but it's not a pattern.


Could we survive without bees?
We could duplicate the process.
I think we'd find a way.
Absolutely not
We could, but we wouldn't have many food options.


How do you handle transitions in life?
Just take them as they come
Not well
Plan ahead
I try to anticipate the changes.


If there's something you don't want to do, do you try and force yourself to do it?
It's important to get out of your comfort zone.
Some things just aren't meant to be.
No, I just don't do it.
I try, but I still might not go.


Do good things happen when you least expect it?
I think so?
I wish they would.
I don't really think about it.
Good things happen when I earn them.


How do you feel when people talk about meditation?
i'd love to learn more about it.
I feel happy other people are into it.
I feel like I wish I had the focus to do it.


Which form of exercise really centers you?
Not exercising really enters me.
Long distance running
Kick boxing


Have you ever figured out your spirit animal?
I'm an eagle.
A race horse
I can't narrow it down to just one.
Something that hasn't been discovered yet


Does the vastness of space or the ocean freak you out more?
Ocean for sure
They're both equally freaky, but in a good way.
Space intrigues me but also scares me.
Space is the future.


What makes you really emotional?
Cute couples being cute
Really good music or art
Thinking about my future


Is it true that certain smells can transport you back in time memory wise?
If you assign emotions to smells
It happens sometimes.
It's absolutely true.
Painfully true


Is there a resource that you wish you had more of?
Fresh air


Are you one to repeat past mistakes?
I never make the same mistake twice.
I'm definitely a repeat offender.
I've been known to.
Not if I can help it.


Does being in the dark make you uneasy?
I welcome the dark.
Not always.
It absolutely does.
Only if I'm in an unfamiliar place


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