Can We Guess What Quality You Find Most Attractive in a Significant Other?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can We Guess What Quality You Find Most Attractive in a Significant Other?
Image: valentinrussanov/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Many single people spend a lot of time trying to make themselves more attractive to people by working out to make their bodies hotter or trying to become more charming to make their personality more appealing to others. The fact of the matter is that if you want to attract someone, you probably already have what you need in your personality without even working on it. If you were to ask 100 men or women what they found most attractive in another person, only a handful would mention something about looks or charm, and let's face it, those are the people that you probably want to stay away from anyway.

The qualities that people find attractive in others are many, but some of the most common of them are being trustworthy, funny, optimistic, motivated and supportive. Some of these might seem odd to you, but when you think about it, they really aren't. Do you want to be with someone that you can trust not to hurt you, that makes you laugh, that doesn't let life get them down, who never gives up, and who always has your back? You know it. But in this quiz, you only get one. Answer some questions, and we'll tell you what it is.

What matters most?
Someone who doesn't lie to me.
Someone who makes me laugh.
Someone who has my back.
Someone who is successful.


Have you ever been dumped?
Yes, it broke my heart.
Yes, but who cares?
Yes, it hurt a little.


Where do you usually meet people?
In bars
Through friends
At work


Do you lie a lot?
No, I never lie.
Well. Yes.
I try not to.
Only if it means I get something good out of it.


Would you be a good stand up comedian?
I don't think so.
I would be awesome at that.
No way
I could probably do that.


Do you want people to tell you the truth even if it hurts?
I guess so.
No, I don't want that at all.
What is the point of that?


How into money are you?
I don't find it important.
Well, it doesn't hurt.
Everyone likes money.
I am so into money.


Would you make a good judge?
I would for sure.
No, that sounds way too stressful.
I would try.
Sure, if the pay was right.


How many jokes do you know by heart?
More than 10


Are you a good friend?
I try to be.
Sure. I guess.
I am for sure.


Would you make a good social worker?
I think I would be good at that.
No, that would be too weird.
I would be awesome.
Umm. No.


How much do you party?
I don't do that often.
All the time
Not at all


What are you most attracted to physically?


Are you good in bed?
How would I know?
Well, I know I have fun.
Yes, I aim to please.
Well. I know how to please myself for sure.


Have you ever cheated on anyone?
No way
No, but I have thought of it.
Yes, it was great.


What would be a good job for you?
A salesperson
A public speaker
A therapist
An entrepreneur


Did you do well in school?
I did pretty well.
No, I bombed it.
I did okay.
I did great.


What are you most likely to be doing on a Friday night?
Hanging at home
Out partying
Out on date
Working out


Do you read a lot?
I read constantly.
I don't read at all.
I read a little.
I only read when it is something I need to learn about.


How far have you gone in school?
College degree
High school
Some college
Graduate degree


Are you a liberal?
Yes, all the way.
I don't care about politics.
I am kind of in the middle.
No, are you kidding?


How many people do you hang out with?
I have a few really close friends.
I hang with a ton of people.
I have one really close friends.
I am kind of a loner.


Are you charming?
I am not even sure what that means.
Well, I think people like me.
I don't think so.
Very much so


What type of movie sounds fun to see?
A romance
A comedy
A drama
A documentary


How often do you work out?
Most days
All the time


Which of these people do you look up to the most?
My parents
My friends
My significant other
My boss


Would you turn in a wallet if you found it?
Of course, I would.
Probably not
I would think about it, but I would.
It depends on how much money was in it.


Do you have the ability to laugh at yourself?
Well, I try to.
I sure do.
I think so.
No, why would I laugh at myself?


How would you feel if a friend of yours got a job you wanted?
It would stink but I would pretend I was happy.
I wouldn't care. Jobs stink.
I would be proud of my friend.
I would be totally mad.


Would you do a job you hated if it paid a lot?
Sure, for a while
Not ever
How much is a lot?
For sure


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