Are You a Pushover?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You a Pushover?
Image: Shutterstock

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When it comes to living your life, you can't let people push you around, at least too much. Do you give people an inch so that they can take a mile? How much of a pushover are you?
Do you ever say yes when you want to say no?
No, I don't do that.
No, only suckers do that.
Yes, I do it a lot.


What do you do if your partner cheats on you?
Break up with them.
Cheat on them back.
Get mad, but then forgive them.
Forgive them right away.


Someone just cut in front of you in line, what do you do?
Tell them to go back to the end of the line.
Yell at them.
Give them a dirty look but not say anything.


Do you lend money to people even when you are broke?
No way.
No. I borrow, I don't lend.
All the time.


Do you do things you don't want to do to try and please your partner?
No, I do my own thing.
No, just the opposite.
Yes, all the time.


What do you do if someone gives you back too little change?
Ask for the right amount.
Get angry and belittle them.
Ignore it, but let it bother me all day.
Ignore it.


You did most of the work on a project, but your coworker took the credit, what do you say to your boss?
I tell him I did most of the work.
I tell him my coworker is a liar.
I don't say anything but then I talk behind my coworkers back.


Who chooses what to watch on TV, you or your partner?
I do.
I do - my partner has bad taste.
Usually my partner.
Always my partner.


Would you give someone a ride even though it would mess up your plans?
No, they can take an Uber.
No, my needs are more important.
I have sometimes.
I do that all the time.


Every time you go out with your friend, you buy most of the drinks. What do you do?
Tell them they need to buy more.
Stop hanging out with them.
Drink less.
I just keep buying; I don't know how to bring it up.


What do you do when you are really mad at someone?
I tell them my true feelings.
I yell at them.
I give them dirty looks and sigh a lot.
I pretend I am not mad.


What do you do if you get the wrong meal at a restaurant?
Send it back.
Refuse to pay for it.
Leave a bad tip.
Pretend everything is fine.


Whose fault was your last breakup?
Mostly my ex.
Totally my ex.
It was both of us.
It was all my fault.


How often do you cover for other people at work?
Not often.
All the time.


How often do you say you are sorry when you don't mean it?
Very rarely.
All the time.


Would you be good on a show like "Survivor?"
I would be pretty good.
I would be awesome.
I don't think so.
I would be awful.


Do people flirt with your partner right in front of you?
Not that I have noticed.
Not if they know what is good for them.
Sometimes, but that is normal.
Yes, and I hate it.


Do you ever stay with someone because you feel bad for them?
No, that would be silly.
No, I don't feel bad for people in that way.
No, but I think of it.
Yes, it makes me feel awful to break up with people.


Have you ever trusted someone and had them take advantage of you?
Yeah, that happens to anyone at some point.
No way.
Yes, that happens a lot.
All the time.


Have you ever trusted someone and had them take advantage of you more than once?
No, one chance is all they get.
No way.
Sadly, yes.
Yes, all the time.


Who pays when you go out, you or your partner?
It is about even.
My partner.
Usually me.
Almost always me.


What would you do if your teenager asked for something they wanted that you couldn't afford?
Tell them to do chores and earn money for it.
Tell them no.
Give them part of the money and have them earn the rest themselves.
Give them the money.


Do you ever feel like you are just getting played by the person you are dating?
No, but sometimes I play them.
Sometimes I do.
Yes, all the time.


Have you ever let someone crash on your couch for a few days?
Maybe once or twice.
No way.
Yes, I have done that some.
Yes, I will let anyone crash if they need to.


Has that person on your couch then just hung out for way more than a few days?
No, I would tell them to leave.
No way.
Yes, It is hard to tell someone they have to leave.
Yes, and they are still there.


If a person tells you that you are really hot, does that make you like them more?
No, that means nothing to me.
No, that just makes me suspicious.
Of course it does.
Yes, I love that!


When you first become romantic with someone, will you do just about anything for them?
No, I stay myself.
No, but I try to get them to do things for me.
Yes, it is hard not to.
Yes, that is what love is about.


Who does most of the cleaning at home?
My partner does most of it.
My partner does all of it.
I do most of it.
I do all of it.


You are trying to sleep but your roomie is cranking music, what do you do?
Tell them to turn it down.
Pick a fight with them.
Ask if they wouldn't mind turning it down.
Put in earplugs and try to sleep.


You think your roomie ate your food out of the fridge, how do you handle it?
Ask them about it politely.
Eat their food to get back at them.
Ignore it and get more food.
Tell him he can have anything of yours he wants.


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