Answer These Serious Morality Questions and We'll Guess Which Province You Live In

By: Heather Cahill
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Answer These Serious Morality Questions and We'll Guess Which Province You Live In
Image: Karl Tapales / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Everyone has a moral compass, but not everyone uses it in the best way. Every day, that moral compass can be put to the test. It can even show others or ourselves our true colors. It can be judged and scrutinized by others if they don't agree or see life the same way. But just as we are all different, so are these moral compasses.

In Canada, it's safe to say that most Canadians have a good moral compass. Being neighborly, helping those in need and trying to be better people is something that most in the country can relate to. In different provinces, many people have different moral compasses. Someone in Ontario might have pretty good morals according to standard, while another in British Columbia might be a little less likely to have the same morals. A trip across the country of Canada can show the differences in personality and thoughts.

So, you're a Canadian who lives in one of the provinces. You know your morals, but maybe you don't think they match up with the morals that are most common in your province. Let's see if they do by taking this quiz to see if we can guess the province you live in!

You find an injured bird on the sidewalk. What is your next move?
I pick it up and try to find a wildlife sanctuary to bring it to.
I take it home with me and care for it until it is ready for the world.
I try to put it back up into its nest.
I don't do anything.


That dream trip that you've been looking forward to with your family is here, but you found out that one of your tickets is no longer valid. What do you do?
I forfeit my place and allow whoever was with me to enjoy their time.
I give everyone the option to not go, but allow them to go if they really want to.
I call up customer service.
I tell everyone that we can't go.


If you accidentally committed a crime, what would you do?
Turn myself in. It's only right.
I would try to figure out how to fix it, if I could.
I'd try to forget about it. It wasn't that bad.
Nothing. No one will catch me anyway.


You found out that your best friend is being cheated on. Do you tell them about it?
Absolutely, I owe it to them.
I would try, but I don't want them to get mad at me.
Not unless they say something that brings up the subject.
No, it's none of my business.


A neighbor is snowed in on your street. Do you help them?
Yes, I would like to help them as much as I can.
I would help them and hope that they would return the favour.
Only if they ask me
No, I have my own yard to deal with.


When you're out and about and a representative of a charity approaches you, what do you do?
I give them $20 and ask if there' anything else I can help them with.
I give them a small donation.
I give them a dollar and carry on with my day.
I say that I can't give and keep moving.


If you saw someone who looked terrified while out and about, what would you do?
I would stop them and ask if they are in trouble. You never know what someone is going through.
I'd ask them if they need help.
I wouldn't do anything unless they approached me.
I would go on my way. I don't need to intrude.


Do you think white lies are bad?
Yes, I don't tell them and I don't encourage others to either.
I think that they can be bad in some cases.
Not really
Not at all. I tell them all the time.


You're on a hike and you hear someone calling, "Help!" Do you go looking for them?
Yes, you never know if they could be in trouble or lost.
I call out for them in response.
I look around for them briefly, but I don't go too much into it.
No, I'm busy on my own hike.


If you accidentally cut someone off in a store, how do you react?
I apologize and immediately ask them to go ahead of me.
I apologize to them.
I don't do anything. If they're upset, they'll say something.
I stay in the spot.


A door-to-door salesman has arrived at your door. What do you do?
I invite them in to learn more about their product.
I talk to them about the product and ask for their information.
I tell them I'm not interested.
I don't answer the door.


It's time to make a customer service call. Are you sweet or a little angry?
I'm very nice to the person on the line.
I try to be nice, even if I am a little upset.
I'm neither.
I'm usually more on the angry side.


Have you ever told someone you were busy to get out of meeting up with them?
Never. I don't want them to catch me in the act of skipping out on hanging with them.
I have once. But I still feel bad about it to this day.
Yes, I've done it a few times.
I always do that. I don't feel bad about it.


What's your opinion on "ghosting" people?
I think it's a horrible thing to do.
I personally don't do it, but I don't really mind if others do.
I do it all the time.
I don't really care about it.


Do you ever partake in gossip?
No, I don't feel right about it.
I try not to as much as possible.
I don't care for gossip.
Yes, all the time.


A secret between two coworkers was overheard by you, but you're not supposed to know it. Do you tell?
Never. It's not my place to tell.
No, not at all
Only to my best friend
If it applies to anyone else, sure.


You find a $20 bill on the ground. What do you do?
I try to find the owner of it.
I give it to someone who I think might need it.
I ask the person closest to it if they dropped it and if they say no, then I pocket it.
I take it. The chances of finding the owner are slim.


Someone has done something embarrassing and you've witnessed it. How do you handle the situation?
I pretend like I didn't see it. I don't want them to feel bad.
I look away.
I carry on with my business.
I keep looking but hold in my reaction.


You don't get along with a coworker. Do you ever try to take digs or jabs at them?
No, I try to keep it as civil as possible.
Keeping the peace is more important to me.
I'll only do that if they anger me.
Yes, I'd do that.


Would you ever take a bribe?
Not me! That's not a good idea in my eyes.
Not if I could help it
If I really wanted it and I couldn't get in trouble, then definitely.
I'm always up to take a bribe.


Someone just picked a fight with you online. What do you do next?
Ignore it. That's the best way to combat it.
I give it a like and forget about it.
I respond a few times and leave it at that.
I fight until I win.


You're in Toronto and see a celebrity you love eating dinner with their family. What do you do?
I leave them alone. It's their time to be with family.
I wait until they are finished eating and say hello.
I pretend to go to the washroom and strike up a conversation.
I ask them for a photo anyway.


Do you rush to a friend's side when they call you for help?
Yes, they would do the same for me.
I call them up first and ask if they would like me to.
I ask them if they are doing good or not.
No, but I reach out to them.


A friend is in desperate need of a job and there's an open position at your company. You know they aren't the best fit but you care about them. What do you do?
I tell them about the job anyway. I even put in a good word to the HR manager.
I let my friend know about the position and encourage them to apply.
I tell them about the job, but I also tell them it's probably not for them.
I don't tell them about the position at all.


Would you give up your seat for an elderly person on a bus?
Yes, but I'd ask if they want it first.
Only if no one else did.
No, it's first-come, first-served.


Ring, ring! It's a telemarketer calling. How do you react?
I answer the phone and talk to them.
I answer the phone and find out about the service.
I answer and ask them to stop calling.
I don't answer the phone at all.


If you were stranded in the woods with a friend and had one last granola bar, would you give it to your friend?
Without a doubt
I'd give them most of it and keep a chunk for myself.
We would share it. None of us asked to be in this situation.
No, I would eat it instead.


Would you ever donate a body part to someone who needed it?
Of course. Someone might really need it.
If it was someone I know, I would do it in a heartbeat.
I'd have to think about it when the time comes.
Probably not


Do you ever refuse to talk to people who don't share the same opinions?
Yes, I don't want to feel angry all the time.
Only if it really angers me
Not usually
No, it's great for debate.


If you knew about a criminal, would you tip them off to the police?
I would have no choice but to call the police.
Most likely
Only if they bothered me
I wouldn't care too much about it.


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