Answer These Questions and We'll Guess If Your House Is Haunted

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Answer These Questions and We'll Guess If Your House Is Haunted
Image: SEAN GLADWELL/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Do you ever feel like you're not exactly alone when you are at home alone? If you're like millions of people across the world, you might be sharing your space with something a little more out of this world than could have imagined. After you answer our ghost-related questions, we'll be able to guess if your house is haunted or not. 

While we cannot claim to be ghost hunters, mediums or paranormal experts, we do have a good sense of what takes place inside a haunted home. Once you tell us about the things you've done and felt in your house, it'll be easy to figure out if you're living alone or if you are being haunted. It could just be the creepy neighbor across the street making you feel like you're being watched, but you wouldn't want to take the chance of being wrong. 

If we make the guess that your home is haunted, you might want to call in the professionals. Figuring out a haunting is easy with the kind of questions we have, but knowing if you are in harm's way is something we feel better leaving in the hands of the people with the fancy equipment. 

Is your house haunted or is it just your imagination? We'll do our best get it right. Purifying your space is up to you! 

Are there random cold spots throughout your house?
My entire house is like a freezer.
There's a strange cold spot in one of the rooms.
I'm always feeling an icy breeze.
My house is only cold in the winter.


Would you ever hold a seance in your home?
I wouldn't open the door like that.
I've held one or two.
I would be too afraid to have a seance here.
That's a good idea.


Have you ever seen anything strange in photos you've taken around your home?
Do my family members count?
I've seen something I can't explain.
There are a lot of orbs in my photos.
I've seen a shadow person in my photos.


Do you frequently see shadows out of the corner of your eye?
No, but I see things floating sometimes.
I do, but it's always the sunlight coming through the windows.
It happens more than I care to admit.
I have seen weird shadows a few times.


In your opinion, are hauntings or alien abductions more likely?
I really don't believe in either one.
I think abductions are more likely.
I hope I don't have to find out.
Hauntings occur more frequently than alien abductions.


Would you use a Ouija board to try to contact a ghost in your home?
I'm terrified of them!
I would prefer to use a medium.
I tried it once, and it was horrifying.
If that's what the experts recommend, I would.


Does your home sit near any burial grounds or cemeteries?
I will have to look into that.
I live near a graveyard.
There's a sacred burial ground not far from here.
No, my home sits away from that sort of thing.


Do you often hear voices or noises you can't explain?
My noisy neighbors are always to blame.
I hear a weird voice sometimes.
I hear bizarre noises a lot.
I heard voices when I was sick once.


Why do you think ghosts exist?
I'm really not sure that ghosts exist.
I think spirits get trapped sometimes.
I think they exist to scare the rest of us.
Ghosts exist to carry out the devil's work.


What would be the best thing about haunting a house?
Free rent would be great!
It would be funny to see the occupant's responses.
I don't think it's cool to haunt someone's home.
It would be like a big game of hide and seek.


Have you found any bizarre items in your home that have left you feeling curious?
I have found a few old pictures.
I've found some old jewelry.
I have found weird bones and hair.
I haven't found anything unusual.


What might you do to protect yourself from an evil spirit?
I would go to church a lot.
I wear a cross sometimes.
I have a few amulets I carry.
I would hire someone to smudge my house.


How many times have you seen the original "Ghostbusters?"
I've only seen the remake.
I've seen in a few times.
I've only seen it once.
I've seen in more times than I can count.


Do any of your pets act strangely for no reason?
I don't have any pets.
My cat/dog stares at the same spot sometimes.
Sometimes my pet gets aggressive for no reason.
My pets always act strangely.


Which ghost would you most like to sit down with for a chat?
Big Boo


What sort of otherworldly apparition do you fear most?


Do the doors in your house mysteriously open and shut?
I've never noticed it happening.
Windows sometimes open by themselves.
Yes, and it's terrifying.
I'm sure I forget to shut the door sometimes.


If you were suddenly locked in a room of your home and couldn't get out, what would you do?
I would break a window.
I would start praying.
I would call 911.
I would scream for help.


Do you believe that our deceased relatives return to visit us?
My jury is still out on that one.
I hope they do!
I'm convinced that they do.
Ask me again after I'm deceased.


How many nights per week do you have nightmares?
I never have nightmares.
I have a couple of nightmares per month.
All. The. Time.
I only have nightmares when I eat the wrong food before going to bed.


Have your friends noticed anything strange about your home?
A few of my friends say it's creepy.
If they have, they haven't said anything.
A couple of my friends have left my house screaming in fear.
One of my friends said they saw something move.


Which paranormal-based television show would you binge watch?
"Ghost Adventures"
They're too creepy for me.
I don't think they're real.
"My Haunted House"


Do you often wake up around 3 a.m.?
Once I'm out, I never wake up.
I don't wake up until my alarm goes off.
You know, I DO wake up around 3 a.m. a lot.
I'll have to start keeping a log.


Do you tend to watch a lot of horror movies?
I never watch them!
I watch them when I can't find anything else.
I watch more horror movies than anything.
I watch more rom-coms than horror flicks.


Has your mood or demeanor changed since you moved into your home?
I don't think so.
I've become a lot happier here.
I'm really grumpy more in this house.
My mood swings are more frequent in this house.


Have you ever cast a spell on another person?
I would never do that!
I don't believe in witchcraft.
I have used a love potion.
I would like to know how to cast spells.


Do you experience a lot of deja vu?
I don't know what that is.
I experience it in my bedroom sometimes.
It's hard to tell reality from all the deja vu I have.
I've experienced it a few times in my life.


Is it really possible for people to be possessed by demons?
I hope not!
I don't believe in demons.
I've seen it happen.
It's very likely.


Would you allow a paranormal research team to set up in your house?
I don't think it's necessary.
It's not a bad idea.
When can they be here?
I will consider it.


Do you ever feel like someone's watching you?
I'm sure my creepy neighbor is watching me.
I get that feeling once in a while.
I'm convinced someone lives in my attic.
With technology, someone is always watching.


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